(also known as Breast Fat Transfer, Fat Augmentation and Fat Grafting)
A Breast Fat Transfer is an option to Breast Augmentation without implants. Many of patients consider a Breast Enlargement through Fat Transfer to enhance or increase their breast size for a more natural look without the need of foreign objects.
The Breast Fat Transfer technique involves removing fat tissue through liposuction and then grafting it into the breast region to naturally enhance breast size. The Me Clinic breast surgery Specialist Plastic Surgeons are highly experienced and trained in this breast augmentation method.
Surgical Warning: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
Read more on the Risks of Surgery
With over 35 years of Cosmetic Surgery experience, we have been utilising the Breast Fat Transfer Method since the 1980s to increase breast size. However, it’s important to understand that the effectiveness of the procedure can vary between individuals.
How does a Breast Fat Transfer work?
The procedure involves removing a patient’s fat tissue (by Liposuction) and grafting it in the breast area to increase the size of breasts naturally.
Fat is naturally occurring in the breast area and the addition of the patient’s own fat (called autologous fat transfer) complements the existing fat in the breast, and provides a natural feeling and looking volume increase.
Our Fat Augmentation procedure can be combined with Liposuction, where we remove fat cells from areas such as your buttocks, stomach, and thighs. This fat can then be used to augment your breasts. It’s important to note that the effectiveness of this combined procedure can vary from person to person. With Fat Transfer to the Breasts there is the appeal of using one’s own fat tissue, which makes the breast, appear and feel more natural.
The outcomes of a Fat Transfer procedure can differ significantly among individuals. While the procedure may have long-lasting effects for some, others may experience a reduction in breast volume if the body absorbs some of the grafted fat. Unfortunately, the rate of absorption of the fat or otherwise cannot be determined for each patient prior to the procedure.
The duration of the effects of a successful Fat Transfer and graft procedure can vary greatly from person to person, depending largely on whether the patient’s body absorbs the grafted fat.
Patients are also able to combine this procedure with our Anti-Ageing Procedures to increase survival rate of the fat cells and promote blood vessel formation and circulation to the newly deposited fat tissue.
What are the risks and recovery process of Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer Surgery?
After your breast fat transfer procedure you may feel drowsy from the anaesthetic. It is important to have someone drive you home and stay overnight. On this evening we recommend you rest.
You are provided with an after hours direct number in the event you may have any questions or concerns you wish to speak to us about.
The next day or within a few days you must come back to the Clinic for your first post-operative check. You can also expect a small amount of swelling, which will gradually settle but you should be able to see some results almost immediately, and your breast will feel natural yet with more volume and shape than previously.
Our Surgeons and Nurses will continue to monitor your breast fat transfer recovery through a number of post-operative check-ups and are available at any time if you have questions or concerns. If you have any questions or concerns please call the Clinic to speak with your Surgeon or one of our Nurses or staff members.
This 27 year old female was after a breast enlargement.
Breast Augmentation was performed using 250cc round implants placed in front of the muscle.
Performed By: Dr Simon Rosenbaum (MED0000957217)
What is the total cost of Breast Fat Transfer Surgery, including consultations, anaesthesia, and aftercare?
The breast fat transfer cost varies as it is tailored to each individual patient’s situation. Factors affecting the cost include the complexity of the procedure, anaesthesia, and aftercare. A no obligation consultation with one of our Surgeons is essential in determining what you require and which procedure would be best suited for you.
Our philosophy is simple. We want you to be fully informed, and we want you to understand all your options and have one accurate price quoted once. Consultation fees may apply.
There is no need for you to obtain a referral from your own doctor to see one of our Surgeons. Generally we are able to book you in to see one of our Surgeons in 7 to 14 days.
How do I find out more about Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer Surgery?
For more information about Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer Surgery, please consult with our surgeons. We ensure you will be fully informed and understand your options before any procedure.
Our Practitioners that have expertise in Breast Fat Transfer:
Mr Amir Tadros
Specialist Plastic Surgeon Read more
Surgical Warning: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.