***We are not offering this service presently***
(also known as a Hoodectomy)
Some women may feel discomfort due to excess skin over the clitoris. It can also affect them during sex whereby they have reduced sensitivity or it causes sex to be painful due to the excess skin.
Surgical Warning: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
Read more on the Risks of Surgery
How does a Clitoral Hood Reduction procedure work?
The Clitoral Hood Reduction procedure involves the removal of excess skin to maintain the functionality of the clitoris and hood.
The clitoris itself is not operated upon and hence there is no reduction in clitoral sensation during sex. If anything this procedure would generally allow an increase in sensation during sex.
What should you expect after Clitoral Hood Reduction Surgery?
After your procedure you may feel drowsy from the anaesthetic. It is important to have someone drive you home and stay overnight. On this evening we recommend you rest. You are provided with an after hours direct number in the event you may have any questions or concerns you wish to speak to us about.
On the day of your procedure for Clitoral Hood Reduction you can expect to experience some discomfort and in the first few days following surgery. Your Surgeon will prescribe for pain relieving medication if it is required. The next day or within a few days you must come back to the Clinic for your first post-operative check.
You will be able to resume normal light activities by the next day, however, we recommend you take 5 – 10 days off work and avoid sexual intercourse until 45 days after treatment.
Our Surgeons and Nurses will continue to monitor your recovery through a number of post-operative check-ups and are available at any time if you have questions or concerns.
How Much Does Clitoral Hood Reduction Cost?
As every patient we see has different requirements, it is difficult to provide standardised pricing as each procedure is tailored for each individual patient’s situation. A no obligation consultation with one of Surgeons is essential in determining what you require and which procedure would be best suited for you.
Our philosophy is simple. We want you to be fully informed, and we want you to understand all your options and have one accurate price quoted once. Consultation fees may apply.
There is no need for you to obtain a referral from your own doctor to see one of our Surgeons. Generally we are able to book you in to see one of our Surgeons in 7 to 14 days.
Procedures commonly combined with clitoral hood reduction
You may also wish to consider a labiaplasty surgery or non-surgical vaginoplasty.
How do I find out more about Clitoral Hood Reduction Surgery?
Please contact the Me Clinic. Our team of medical practitioners, who hold general registration or specialist registration, have over 35 years of Cosmetic Surgery experience to share with you. We ensure you will be fully informed and understand your options before any procedure.
Surgical Warning: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.