Understanding How Much Liposuction Costs

This information has been medically reviewed by Melbourne-based cosmetic doctor Dr. Gordon Ku. LinkedIn Profile here

To learn more about cosmetic surgery, what’s best for you, what to expect before and after, potential side effects and liposuction cost Melbourne, make contact. Our clinics in Australia have expert cosmetic surgery practitioners or surgeons, who hold general registration or specialist registration, and also offer non-surgical procedures.

What is Stomach Liposuction?

Definition and process

Stomach liposuction is a cosmetic procedure used to remove excess fat deposits from around the abdominal region in order to create a more contoured and proportionate body shape. It can target unwanted fat on the sides, flanks, lower and upper stomach area and address concerns such as ‘muffin top’ bulges and ‘love handles’.

There are different types of techniques that can be used for stomach lipo, including tumescent liposuction and ultrasound liposuction, also known as Vaser Liposuction. Vaser uses modern ultrasound technology to liquify solid body fat so that it can be suctioned out using cannulas without disrupting blood vessels, nerves and surrounding tissues. The process requires making small incisions in the treatment area before inserting an ultrasound probe to break up the fat cells and suction them out with a cannula.

Stomach liposuction is not the same as abdominoplasty, also more commonly known as a tummy tuck. While stomach liposuction is a sculpting technique used to remove unwanted fat for body contouring purposes, a tummy tuck entails removing loose or sagging skin from the stomach and lower abdomen region after significant weight loss or pregnancy.

Benefits of stomach liposuction

Stomach liposuction is the most performed fat removal procedure in the world. It can:

  • Removes excess fat in the abdominal region*
  • Reduce or remove common concerns like ‘love handles’ and ‘muffin tops’*

*results – will vary from patient to patient.

Surgical Warning: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

Read more on the Risks of Surgery

Factors Influencing the Cost of Stomach Liposuction

Surgeon’s expertise

When asking how much does liposuction cost, one needs to consider a wide range of factors. Surgeon fees are one of these factors and it’s one that will be included in your initial quotation. This fee will depend on a number of things, including:

  • The number of areas and type of area
  • The amount of time needed in theatre

Clinic location and reputation

It’s essential that you choose a clinic that is a fully accredited facility with medical staff that are fully qualified and experienced in performing stomach liposuction. The location of the clinic can also impact the cost of the procedure, as can its reputation. A clinic with an excellent reputation may be more costly but that’s because they adhere to the strictest of high standards and have qualified surgeons for the best results.

The complexity of the procedure

Liposuction procedures vary in both complexity and patient to patient. Costs depend on whether you are having a single area treated or multiple, the amount of fat removal required, the type of liposuction technique being employed as well as the specific target area or areas. A more difficult procedure will naturally cost more as it will take longer to perform.

Anaesthesia and other medical costs

Stomach lipo is a surgical procedure that is done using either a local anaesthetic or a general anaesthetic. Generally, fees for anaesthetists in Australia can range from $800 up to $1,200. The cost will depend on factors such as the qualifications of the anaesthetist, the amount of anaesthesia required and the length of the procedure.

Average Cost of Stomach Liposuction

Price range

The total cost of liposuction depends on a number of factors, including the specific treatment areas of the body as well as the number of areas being treated. The cost of upper arm and double chin liposuction will be different to the cost of liposuction for the outer thighs and inner thighs. In general, Me Clinic prices for the abdomen start at around $7,200 for one area.

For further reference, the outer and inner thighs start at $9,000 while chin and neck liposuction start at $5,000.

Breakdown of Stomach Liposuction Cost

Consultation fees

Your initial consultation is where you will meet with your Me Clinic surgeon to discuss your areas of concern and undergo a general medical examination in most cases. This is where your surgeon will set realistic expectations for what can be achieved as well as inform you about the procedure, pre-care, aftercare and ongoing care for your surgery. A tailored quote for the entire process will be provided to you during this consultation.

Pre-operative tests

Medical tests will be performed prior to surgery that will ensure you are fit and healthy for stomach liposuction. These costs are an additional fee and are not included in your quote.

Surgery cost

Hospital fees are typically charged per hour and can vary depending on location and the time needed in surgery. Stomach liposuction is a same-day surgery procedure where you will be under sedation with either local or general anaesthesia. Anaesthetists and surgeon’s fees are included in the total cost and depend on many factors, such as the area, the amount of areas, the level of expertise, amount of anaesthesia required and time in theatre.

Post-operative care and follow-ups

While stomach liposuction is considered to have minimal downtime, your actual recovery time will depend on factors including how many areas you have had treated and your general wellbeing. Immediately after the procedure, you will be fitted into compression garments that you will generally need to wear for 4-6 weeks. Aftercare costs are included in the initial quote.

Private Health Insurance for Stomach Liposuction

Insurance coverage

Most private health insurance policies won’t cover your liposuction costs, but it depends on the policy you have chosen. Check with your insurance fund beforehand to know exactly what will and won’t be covered.

Potential additional costs

While the total amount of stomach liposuction will include all of the major components from surgery fees to aftercare, you may want to plan for additional costs such as comfortable clothing to recover in and transport costs to get you to and from the hospital.

Choosing the Right Clinic for Stomach Liposuction

Factors to consider when choosing a clinic

When it comes to cosmetic or plastic surgery, it’s essential that you carefully consider your advised facility to ensure it ticks all of the right boxes. Look for a clinic that:
Is fully accredited

  • Employs fully qualified surgeons and medical staff
  • Has high standards which are generally made public
  • Has an exceptional reputation for cosmetic surgery procedures, including liposuction

Importance of consultation

Remember, a cosmetic procedure like liposuction is a surgical procedure and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. A consultation will not only help you to understand what surgery results are possible for your body but also introduce you to your cosmetic surgeon so that they can explain the entire process in detail. This is a chance to raise concerns, ask questions, clarify information and more so that you know exactly what to expect before, during and after the procedure.

Preparing for Stomach Liposuction

Physical preparation

Your doctor will give you pre-operative instructions which you must follow carefully. If you are a smoker, you’ll need to quit at least 2 weeks beforehand. You may also need to avoid certain medications that can cause bleeding during and after surgery. Stick to your usual exercise regime without adding stress to the body and maintain a healthy diet rich in protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.

Financial preparation

The decision to undertake stomach liposuction is one that needs to be considered in depth to ensure it is within your budget. Be aware that Medicare and private health funds generally will not cover liposuction costs. Ask your doctor about any other out-of-pocket expenses you may need to cover.

Post-Liposuction Care and Maintenance

Importance of post-operative care

It’s essential that you follow your doctor’s post-operative care instructions to ensure that your body recovers in a timely and healthy manner. This is also the best way to achieve optimal results that you are happy with.

Long-term maintenance and its impact on cost-effectiveness

It’s important to remember that stomach liposuction is not a weight loss method; it’s a contouring procedure to remove stubborn pockets of fat that have resisted healthy diet and regular exercise. As such, you will need to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regime to avoid weight gain that can cause new fat deposits to grow and potentially require another procedure.

Case Studies and Experiences

Case studies give patients an idea as to what results are achievable through liposuction. On the Me Clinic website, you can see before/after photos of previous patients as well as read case studies that detail the journey of different patients who came to see us.

Surgical Warning: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Risks associated with liposuction may include but are not limited to infection, scarring, adverse reaction to anesthesia, changes in skin sensation, damage to underlying structures, unsatisfactory results, and the need for additional procedures. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

Disclaimer: The information on the website is for general guidance only and cannot be used as a basis to make a surgical decision. An initial consultation with our surgeon is required to assess if you’re a suitable candidate and to help you make an informed decision before proceeding with any surgical procedure.

Dr Gordon Ku

Cosmetic Doctor Read more

Frequently Asked Questions

The total cost of stomach liposuction will ultimately depend on many factors, including the area, amount of fat, technique used and complexity of the procedure. You can find out exactly what the cost will be with a Me Clinic consultation.

As liposuction is considered a cosmetic procedure, Medicare and private health insurance generally will not cover the cost of it. However, check your individual health insurance policy to see whether any hospital costs can be reimbursed.


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