Costs Of Double Chin Liposuction

This information has been medically reviewed by Melbourne-based cosmetic doctor Dr. Gordon Ku. LinkedIn Profile here

To learn more about cosmetic surgery, what’s best for you, what to expect before and after, potential side effects and liposuction cost Melbourne, make contact. Our clinics in Australia have expert cosmetic surgery practitioners or surgeons, who hold general registration or specialist registration, and also offer non-surgical procedures.

Understanding Double Chin Liposuction

What is double chin liposuction?

Double chin liposuction is a surgical procedure that can be used to create a more contoured and defined jawline. Fat removal is done via medical cannulas that are inserted into the area to suction out excess fat. This procedure can address concerns such as a double or triple chin as well as sagging jowls by reshaping the lower face.

Importantly, chin lipo is not a weight loss solution. It is a surgical procedure that can reduce the amount of fat in the chin area by using medical apparatus to suction out unwanted fat that refuses to budge despite consistent exercise and a healthy diet.

How does it work?

Chin liposuction is generally a minimally invasive procedure. It works similarly to other types of liposuction, including upper arm liposuction and stomach liposuction. The journey begins with an initial consultation to determine your suitability for double chin liposuction surgery.

In Vaser Liposuction, small incisions are made in the treatment area so that a liposuction cannula can be inserted to liquify the fat cells using ultrasound technology and to suction out unwanted chin fat. The result is a more contoured jawline and neckline. In most cases, this procedure can be done using a local anaesthetic and is a same-day surgery.

After the surgery, you will be fitted into a facial compression garment that will help the swelling and assist with recovery.

Who is an ideal candidate?

The best way to determine whether you are a good candidate is to book an appointment at our Me Clinic Melbourne clinic, to meet with an appropriately qualified practitioner who can review your case and decide whether you are fit for liposuction of the chin. In general, this surgery works best with patients who:

  • Have a healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet and regular exercise
  • Have stubborn fat in the chin area or neck area that resists exercise and diet
  • Don’t smoke or are prepared to quit before and after surgery
  • Have good skin elasticity
  • Are in otherwise good physical and mental health

Surgical Warning: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

Read more on the Risks of Surgery

The Cost Factor

Factors influencing the cost of double chin liposuction

There are many factors that influence the total cost of liposuction. These include:

  • The areas of the body where liposuction is to be performed
  • The number of treatment areas required
  • The time needed in theatre
  • The amount of general or local anesthesia required
  • The complexity of the surgery

Average cost

As we have discussed, the cost of liposuction differs greatly depending on a number of factors. If you would like to get a general idea of chin liposuction cost, we’ve put together some average cost estimates for a chin liposuction procedure as well as liposuction on other body areas:

  • Chin and neck liposuction surgery – Starting from $5,000
  • Abdominal liposuction surgery – Starting from $7,200 for one area
  • Inner and outer thighs – Starting from $9,000

To give you an idea of what liposuction can cost per area, read on:

  • One area – $4,000 – $6,000
  • Two areas – $9,000 – $12,000
  • Three areas – $13,000 – $17,000

The Procedure

Pre-procedure consultation

Every liposuction procedure starts with a one-on-one consultation with one of our highly trained and qualified cosmetic surgery practitioners. This is where you will discuss your areas of concern, set realistic expectations for surgery, ask questions and receive a step-by-step account of what to expect along your liposuction journey. During the consultation, you will also receive the total cost of the entire procedure so that you will know exactly what to expect and how to prepare for it.

The liposuction process

Unlike non-invasive cosmetic procedures such as dermal fillers, double chin liposuction is a surgical procedure that requires sedation using local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia. The process will involve making small incisions in an inconspicuous location of the chin area and inserting a cannula to suction out the unwanted fat without damaging surrounding tissue. If Vaser Liposuction is used, ultrasound waves will break up and liquify fat cells so that they are easier to extract. This type of liposuction has the additional benefit of stimulating new collagen fibres to produce a skin tightening effect which counteracts the common side effect of loose skin after liposuction.

Every procedure that requires surgery involves risks and your medical practitioner will discuss all possible risks with you during your initial consultation.

Read our FAQs for more information on liposuction procedures.

Post-procedure care

Double chin liposuction requires minimal downtime. However, your actual recovery time and results will depend on your general health and wellbeing as well as your skin laxity. A facial compression garment will need to be worn full-time for the first week and then as instructed by your surgeon. In general, recovery for chin liposuction is faster than other body areas and most patients can return to work after one week. It can take up to 6 weeks for the swelling to subside and for final results to be visible.

For long-lasting results, you will need to strictly follow all post-procedure instructions given to you by your medical practitioner which will include following a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise.

Financing Options

We will discuss payment options with you at your initial consultation.

Insurance coverage

As liposuction is considered a cosmetic procedure, most cases will not be covered by Medicare or private health insurance. It’s important to check what your specific health insurance plan covers and what it does not so that you can plan your finances accordingly.

Choosing the Right Clinic

Importance of choosing the right clinic

Liposuction surgery should always be taken seriously. It is essential that you take time to consider your options and to do your research to ensure both the clinic and the cosmetic surgeon meets the safety standards for performing liposuction in Australia. The surgeon should be experience in liposuction for the chin and neck area as well as carry the necessary qualifications and accreditations. The facility should be fully accredited with appropriately trained staff to ensure your health and safety at all times.

What to look for in a clinic

Here is a checklist of what to look for in a clinic for double chin liposuction:

  • A facility that is fully accredited with high standards (most facilities will have this information published in a public place)
  • A surgeon with appropriately trained and qualified medical staff
  • A surgeon with experience in liposuction, particularly chin liposuction

Me Clinic: Your Clinic Of Choice

About Me Clinic

Me Clinic was one of the first clinics to perform liposuction in Australia. Our dedication to exceptional customer service and high standard medical care has seen us maintain our position as a pioneer in the industry and we continue to lead the way in patient care and liposuction treatment.

Why choose Me Clinic for your double chin liposuction

Here is why patients continue to choose our clinic as a first-choice for their liposuction journey:

  • We have over 30 years’ experience in liposuction
  • We offer a thorough approach to patient care and liposuction treatment
  • We are a fully accredited facility with highly trained and qualified surgeons and medical staff
  • We offer personalised treatment with end-to-end care. You will receive expert assistance and guidance every step of the way from a qualified surgeon.

Satisfied customers

We’re proud to have many satisfied customers who have chosen Me Clinic to assist them in their liposuction journey. On our website, you can find before and after photos as well as detailed case studies of past patients who have come to us for liposuction. Our medical team and surgeons are all highly skilled and qualified and will work with you to set realistic expectations for your own procedure.

Before and after photos

Before and after photos are an excellent way to see what results are possible with chin liposuction. On the Me Clinic website, we have many before and after photos of past patients who have had this procedure performed by our team. It is important to understand that these photos do not reflect the results that you will experience as everybody is different. Final results will always vary from patient to patient and your Me Clinic medical practitioner will help you to set realistic expectations for your own journey.

Surgical Warning: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Risks associated with liposuction may include but are not limited to infection, scarring, adverse reaction to anesthesia, changes in skin sensation, damage to underlying structures, unsatisfactory results, and the need for additional procedures. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

Disclaimer: The information on the website is for general guidance only and cannot be used as a basis to make a surgical decision. An initial consultation with our surgeon is required to assess if you’re a suitable candidate and to help you make an informed decision before proceeding with any surgical procedure.

Dr Gordon Ku

Cosmetic Doctor Read more


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