There has been a lot of coverage in the media in recent times about the “cost savings” with having Cosmetic Surgery performed overseas. However, it’s important to understand the potential risks associated with overseas surgery, such as risk of infection whilst travelling lack of proper aftercare. Such surgical decisions should not be made solely on monetary reasons alone. The most important criteria are your health and well being.
We have attended to many patient complications from overseas surgery. Our Surgeons have removed tubes and other foreign objects from overseas surgical patients. Our Surgeons have also removed mismatched implants and even “tester” sample implants which had been used by overseas surgeons. These tester implants are not intended for human use and if leaked could have cause serious complications and health issues.
More importantly if a patient has any problems here in Australia the Surgeon is available to take action and deal with it accordingly. However, if the complication arises after surgery, overseas patients would generally need to be admitted to a Thai or an Asian hospital which is not ideal from a treatment and infection control point of view. If the patient complication arises in Australia the Thai Surgeon generally would take no ownership of the problem.
Cosmetic Surgery overseas should never be considered a “holiday”. The whole decision making process should be taken as seriously as with any other surgical procedures.
We receive numerous enquiries from patients asking for our advice on overseas surgery. Here is an actual letter we sent to one such enquiry and the patient’s response.
Thanks for your reply.
We are not offended by your reply, as it is entirely your decision where you decide to have your procedure done and we wish you the best of luck.
However, such a decision should not be solely made on monetary issues but what are the most important criteria… .your health and well-being.
We would recommend you choose your surgeon and facility carefully in Thailand. We have had numerous patients who have seen us after having surgery in Thailand and other Asian countries where we have had to treat and rectify surgical issues. Some of these problems were cosmetic but some were potentially life threatening.
Our Surgeons have also had to remove implants which were the wrong size or type for the patient. These implants had been inserted by overseas Surgeons. It’s important to understand that any surgical procedure, whether performed locally or overseas, carries risks. These complications could potentially lead to serious health issues.
In many instances the patients complain that the implants were not ideally suited to them as the consultation generally happens on the day or a short time before the actual procedure. This is a very common occurrence. The numbers of patients consulting us for overseas surgery rectification has increased markedly over the last few years.
Our surgeons are highly trained, as are our nurses who are strictly regulated by the Federal and State Health Departments to ensure the world’s best practice in patient health and well-being. The Asian countries do not have such stringent regulations and controls with respect to qualifications of surgeons and nurses or infection controls.
Please understand that it is important to establish a rapport with your surgeon so they understand exactly what you are expecting from your surgery. This is difficult to do in a “factory” type environment in Thailand and other Asian countries.
As well as the skill levels and patient care of Australian surgeons and nurses, one of the most significant differences is in the after care in the event of a patient has complications. If a patient has any problems here in Melbourne the surgeon is available to take action and deal with it accordingly. However, if the complication arises after surgery, overseas patients would generally need to be admitted to a Thai or an Asian hospital which is not ideal from a treatment and infection control point of view. If the patient complication arises in Australia the Thai surgeon generally would take no ownership of the problem.
We also recommend our patients who have had surgery to refrain from flying particularly within a few weeks of the surgery , as the decompression in the cabin sometime causes swelling and serious health complications can arise as well (such as Deep Vein Thrombosis).
Please consider all the above and we hope you make the right decision for yourself not based on the money, but what is important… your health and well-being.
Good Luck again with whatever choice you make.
Patient Consultant
Accordingly this was the patient’s reply.
Hi Rowena
Thanks for your reply!
Was just checking and I appreciate (sic) what you replied with in your last email.
I’d better start saving then… 🙂
I’ll be sure to call you when I have the funds.
Kind Regards
(Name Withheld)
(Address withheld)
(Telephone Number withheld)
We have developed a reputation built not solely on our patient success stories, but also the care and empathy we provide to our patients. We have an excellent safety and patient satisfaction record.
Our Surgeons are happy to discuss with you their qualifications, 35 years of experience and training in Cosmetic Surgery. They can provide you with before and after photographs, as well as answer any questions you may have.
How do I find out more about Risks of Overseas Surgery?
Please contact the Me Clinic by our contact us page, email or by telephone. We have over 35 years of Cosmetic Surgery and Cosmetic Medicine experience to share with you. We ensure you will be fully informed and understand your options before commencing any procedure or treatment.