It is a fact of life that a scar will never completely go away. However, our treatments aim to minimise and improve the size and appearance of scars, but results can vary from person to person. There are many different types of Scars and we are able to treat many of them effectively.
Our clinic has been offering treatments for Skin, Facial Rejuvenation and Cosmetic Medicine for over 35 years. The treatments and treatment plans we offer aim to address various skin conditions and problems, and may help in managing the skin’s ageing process. However, results can vary from person to person.
We offer a variety of treatments for scars, including:
- Co2 Laser
- Cortisone Injections
- Dermal Fillers
- Erbium Laser
- Fraxel Laser
- Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)
- Laser Genesis
- Microdermabrasion Treatments
- Mineral Make Up
- Preventative Cosmetic Medicine ™
- Skin Needling Treatments
- Surgical Excision
- YAG Laser
The effectiveness of these treatments can vary from person to person.
We offer a no-obligation consultation with our Cosmetic Physicians, Clinicians, and Aestheticians to examine and assess your skin. The most suitable scar treatments will be recommended based on this assessment, but results can vary from person to person.
How do I find out more about Scars and Scar Treatments?
Please contact the Me Clinic. Our clinic has been offering treatments for over 35 years. We aim to provide you with comprehensive information and help you understand your options before commencing any treatment.