Birthmarks are benign irregularities on the skin which are present at birth or develop soon after. They can occur anywhere on the skin, and are divided into 2 major types – Vascular and Pigmented.
We have over 35 years’ experience in treating Skin, Facial Rejuvenation and Cosmetic Medicine. The Treatments and Treatment Plans we have developed can effectively deal with a variety of Skin Conditions and problems. Results can vary between individuals.
How do we treat Birthmarks?
A no obligation consultation with one of our Cosmetic Physicians or Clinicians and Aestheticians is essential so your skin can be examined and assessed for the most suitable Birthmarks treatments.
How do I find out more about Birthmarks and Birthmark Treatments?
Please contact the Me Clinic. We have over 35 years of Cosmetic Medicine experience to share with you. We ensure you will be fully informed and understand your options before commencing any treatment.